Springbird Feather

Rarity: Legendary
Mobility Icon Call of Dragons Mobility

It is said that an ancient creature known as the Springbird lives in the mountains of the Hinterland. It has three legs, and it can clear a cloudy sky with one flap of its wings. Before the War of Unification, the young Tiyar was guided to Whitewing Peak by a Springbird Feather. On that day, the fog of fear and concern that had shrouded the land was parted by the light of the feather. For this reason, the people of Jargand call Springbirds “Messengers of Leosa”.


Legion March Speed +8%

Legion HP +2 %


Lvl 1 Mighty Tailwind

Cooldown: 1m 30s

Rage Cost: None

Casts immediately. Grants Haste to your Legion and up to 10 surrounding friendly Legions, increasing your Legion’s March Speed by 24% and friendly Legions’ March Speed by 16% for 10s.

A feather of the Springbird that led Tiyar to Whitewing Peak. A symbol of the Holy Light.

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