Call of Dragons Beginners Guide

If you are starting out in Call of Dragons then this beginners guide is for you. We will go over a few tips to get you started so you are not left behind and can grow your account faster.

Start in a Server That is Less Than 1 Day Old

When you’re just starting out in Call of Dragons, what you want to do is make sure that you’re starting in a server that has only just begun. The way that you can check the age of the server that you’re currently in, is you go to your avatar, go to settings, click character management and then create new character. The server age will be in the bottom right of your server title as shown below.

Server age call of dragons Beginners Guide

If the current server is over 1 day old, you should play in the current server and learn the basic mechanics of the game with the intention of starting fresh when the new server opens. Starting in a server that is a couple of days old is extremely difficult you’re at a huge disadvantage. Some players will have already grown a couple million power in the first day. Alliances will be set up quickly, so to get into the top alliances there will be a power requirement, so you need to be in the server first to get the best edge possible especially when you are free to play.

Join an Alliance Immediately

The 2nd tip in this beginners guide is as soon as you have finished the tutorial the first thing you should do before anything else is join an alliance. This alliance does not need to be your forever home you just need to join it to receive helps at the start, this will help you progress faster while you are waiting for the alliances to develop so you know which ones are the stronger alliances that are worth investing into.

To join an alliance you need to open the menu in the bottom right of your screen then press the shield. It will open another screen where you can join an alliance. You need to join an alliance that has a high amount of people in it and that is labeled anyone can join.

Join Alliance Menu
Join Alliance popup call of dragons Beginners Guide

Unlock the 2nd Build Queue

When you start your account on Call of Dragons, you will get access to one build queue and a 2 day contract to unlock the 2nd build queue. Once you have run out of contracts you can unlock the 2nd build queue for 150 gems for 2 days, 5000 gems to permanently unlock it or you can buy a bundle for $4.99 USD. Call of Dragons gives you many opportunities to receive gems without spending money, such as gathering gems and gems as rewards for behemoths or quests etc. It will not take long to save 5000 gems if you don’t want to buy the bundle.

Second Build Queue Call of Dragons Beginners Guide

Build Alliance Center and Research Building First

A lot of players will tell you that you should only focus on the required buildings to upgrade your hall. While this is true for the most part, Alliance Center and Research Building (Seer’s Council, College of Order or School of Sages) are the exception. Every level that you increase your alliance center it will give you an additional help chance to a max of 30 at level 25.

This makes a huge difference as you are trying to progress. Your research building also gives you an increase to research speed as you upgrade it to a max of 25% at level 25. These buildings will need to be upgraded at some point as a requirement to upgrade your hall so you should be benefiting from them for the entire time you are building your account.

Research Priority

In Call of Dragons, like most games of this type, it is best to focus on economic tech first. While that can be difficult at the start as a beginner, it will be a lot easier to build your account in the long run. Short term pain for long term gain. You should focus on Architecture I and II as well as Scholarship I and II when you increase your research building to that level.

Also from the Military tree you should focus on Conscription I and II to gain an additional 20% training speed. The first five technologies on both trees can be acquired through visiting camps that are discoverable on the map they are highlighted below. Once you find these camps all you have to do is choose between 2 different technology options that it offers. Once you choose that technology will be instantly researched.

Technologies that are acquired through camps Beginners Guide
^^Technologies that are acquired through camps

Architecture I and II will give you an additional 50% combined building speed and Scholarships I and II will give you an additional 25% combined research speed. That can make a huge difference to the speed and efficiency in which you could build your account.

Other technologies that I would focus on are Stamina I and II which will give you an additional 600 combined command point storage and also Breath Control I and II which gives you a combined 15% additional command point recovery.

Command points are how you attack Darklings a to upgrade your heroes and artifacts. The more Darklings you can attack the faster you will be able to upgrade your heroes and artifacts. After that you should focus on Military Leadership I and II to get an increase to hero experience from defeating Darklings of 15% extra combined.

You can get away with holding off on upgrading resource related technologies to a bit later if you also run a farm account or 2. After you have finished the Scholarships I and II that is when you should then move on to Tier 4 troops and the other technologies that take larger amounts of time to complete.

Never Let Your Command Point Bar Fill Up

You should never let your command point bar fill up. Once it is full you are no longer accumulating Command points, which is not an efficient use of your time. Command points are used every time you attack Darklings on the map. To get the highest amount of rewards and fastest progression of your heroes you want to be constantly using them.

When you first jump on, use all your command points which will then give you a recovery time of around 12 hours before your command points fill up again. Also before you go to bed use them all so they are accumulating while you sleep.

Use All Dark Keys Everyday

Make sure you use your dark keys daily. You can store a max of 5 of them with 2 being available each day through this tab event here. The way you use these is by finding the Darkling Guards guarding the chest on the map and defeating them. If you are unable to defeat these on your own you can use multiple legions or ask a friend from your alliance to help. Once they are defeated its just a matter of collecting the chest.

These chests can be collected by multiple people in your alliance only 1 time each and refresh every 15 minutes. Please see below for some of the rewards that are available from the Dark Chest. Darkling Guards do not consume Command Points for attacking them. Free rewards.

Dark Chests Call of Dragons Beginners Guide
^^Rewards available for dark chests

Attack Both Darklings and Dark Creatures

You should also attack a mixture of both, Darkling Patrols and Dark Creatures. Darkling Patrols give a large amount of XP so these are used to level up your heroes they do not give you any arcane dust. Dark Creatures give you a small amount of XP, but mainly reward arcane dust. Arcane dust is used to upgrade your artifacts. Both darkling patrols and dark creatures of the same level give you the same amount of Prestige. Prestige is used to enact policies in the noticeboard.

Dark creatures and darkling patrols call of dragons Beginners Guide
^^Rewards for defeating Darklings

Tips When Attacking Darklings

When attacking Darklings with AOE heroes, be careful that lower level Darklings are not near by. If you agro a Darkling with your AOE it will also consume command points. You really want to be attacking the highest level Darklings as possible to receive the maximum rewards. So wasting command points on lower level Darklings is going to give you less rewards.

Also if you attack Darklings with multiple of your own legions both of them will receive the same rewards. But if you attack them with your friend or another players legion on the map the XP will be split. This may change in the future but for now attack on your own not with friends.

Enact the Right Policies

Next tip in this beginners guide is to enact the right policies. Policies can be located in the noticeboard building by pressing the chair icon after clicking it. To enact a policy you need prestige. Prestige can be acquired by defeating Darklings the higher the level of the Darkling the more prestige you will receive. The level 15 you get 720, the level 16 you get 840, level 19 1440 and a level 23 Darkling you receive 3200. So you can see the importance of attacking the highest levels possible.

As for enacting policies you should concentrate on military expansion first. The reason for this is increasing your legion size by 4, 5 or 600 at the start when your legion size is only 3 or 4000 is a 10 to 15% increase. That’s 4, 5 or 600 more troops doing more attacking, counter attacking and causing skill damage which will increase your damage output. So its a better investment than half a percent or 1% extra damage from these other policies at the start. As you progress though your legion sizes get bigger.

My legion size is now over 40,000 and to increase by 600 costs 25K plus prestige. So now going back and doing the 1% and .5% increase policies. I would also suggest you focus on war studies 1 and 2 to increase the amount of XP gained. As for medical policies I have focused on resource healing as I believe this will be much more beneficial in war when I need troops instantly.

Policies priority Call of Dragons Beginners Guide
Health care and military expansion Call of Dragons Beginners Guide

Honorary Membership and Shop

You should save all your gems to get to honorary membership level 8, this is known as VIP level in other games. At membership level 8 you unlock the 2nd research queue, it takes 35000 honor points to get there. This effectively is doubling the speed in which you can research technologies. Unlocking this early will give you a huge advantage building your account. Also at Membership level 8 you start to receive 1 legendary hero token of your choice. You should choose a hero that cannot be obtained through gold keys.

Honorary membership level 8

Following from that every week there are items you can buy in the Membership shop. You should purchase all the items in there that can be bought with resources. These include Command point recovery tokens, 5 minute speedups, Epic and Legendary medals and more. Don’t forget to come back every week as they reset every Monday 0 UTC. As you increase your membership level more items will become available.

Helps and Speedups

You should not use any speedups until you have received all your helps from your alliance. A help progresses time for free, so your speedups will go a lot further if you wait to max out all your helps. If you go to the help menu item inside of your alliance you can see how many helps you have received in there.

You can also see the amount of time you have saved by waiting for the helps. This really does add up over time especially if you follow the tips regarding the alliance center upgrade above. If you use your speedups before you received all your helps you are just throwing them away.

Before you upgrade any of your troop training buildings or your research building, make sure you have enough speedups to finish them straight after you receive all the helps for them. Every minute that these buildings are upgrading, they are not training troops or doing research, so you really are getting double the value from your speedups on these buildings.

Stat Bonuses From Troop Buildings

Another tip regarding troop training buildings, by leveling them up you will also receive additional stat bonuses. Your infantry building will give you an additional .5% overall attack bonus when you get it to level 10 and up to 2% extra attack once you max it out. Your magic troop building will give you an additional .5% HP bonus at level 10 and up to 2% HP bonus once you max it out.

The cavalry building will give you an additional .5% overall attack bonus when you get it to level 10 and up to 2% extra attack once you max it out. The marksmen building and flying units building will give you an additional .5% overall defense bonus when you get it to level 10 and up to 2% extra defense once you max it out. A good rule of thumb is to upgrade these while your Hall is upgrading.

HP bonus Call of Dragons Beginners Guide

Do All Events the Game has to Offer

Make sure to complete all events that the game offers. Events are basically giving extra rewards for tasks you should already be completing in the game. There is an event when you first start your account call road to glory which goes for 7 days. It’s important that you try and do as many of these as possible for the extra rewards. Included in this event is en engineering hero called Kregg, by completing the tasks you unlock Kregg tokens which can be used to recruit him and upgrade his skills.

Also included is gold keys and artifact keys. Its a good event to get you off to a good start. Also events like ready to fight event is giving gold keys for training troops. 1600 troops is not a lot and this can be completed easily if you lower the troop tier for this. Alternatively you could use speedups for it.

Also there is Divine Depository, this give you treasure chests which you can open for speedups, resources, silver keys and gold keys. You just have to collect resources in your city, gather resources or defeat Darklings. So keep your eyes on the events as they become available and make sure you participate in them.

road to glory event
^^Road to glory event available for 7 days on new characters

Daily challenges and Titans Legacy

Make sure you are completing your daily, weekly and seasonal challenges. If you complete 6 dailies you receive a bunch of rewards including an artifact key, sweet dew for increasing a heroes trust level, a 60 minute speedup and some resources. Each challenge you complete give you rune XP which increases your rune level within Titans Legacy. Each time your rune level goes up you receive rewards. Another good way to receive free rewards for completing tasks you should already be completing.

Titans Legacy

Time Management

Whenever you are going to leave the game for an extended period of time, for example when you go to bed at night. Make sure your troops, building upgrades and technology upgrades that you are completing have enough time left on them to last until you get back on. For example lets say you have a technology researching and it has 1 hour left before it is finished. You are better off using speedups to finish the hour and start a research that is going to be running the entire time you are away from the game.

If you don’t the research will finish in an hour and then there will be 5, 6 or 7 hours being wasted doing no research. If you have troops that have 25 minutes left and you are about to go to bed, just speed them troops up and then start a new batch straight away. Now it might not sound like much but the average person sleeps around 8 hours a day, by utilizing that time correctly you can progress your account 20 or even 30% faster.

Resources and farm accounts

Gather, Gather, Gather. If your legions are not fighting Darklings, are not building or are not in war they should be gathering. Resources are so important in Call of Dragons, they are needed in every aspect of the game. I also suggest you create a farm account or even 2 to keep up with the resource demands.

You can create a new character by selecting your avatar going to settings then character management, then tap create new character and selecting the server you are in to create the farm account there. If you want to have more than 2 characters in 1 server you will need to create a new google account to start a farm there. The best faction for a farm account at the moment is League of Order for the additional 10% gathering speed.

If there is anything else you think should be added to the beginners guide please comment below and we will consider adding it.

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