Codex of Prophecy

Rarity: Epic
Infantry Icon Call of Dragons Infantry Peacekeeping Icon Call of Dragons Peacekeeping

A thousand years ago, a Human prophet heard the voice of Leosa in a dream, and attempted to alert his people to His words. But Humankind, locked in a cycle of civil war, refused to heed the chance to change their fate.

When the Augurstone was uncovered one thousand years later, the descendants of the prophet finally decided to pass on his tales and warnings to the Church of Light, recorded within a book. Upon its title page are the words “may the Light shine upon this world”.


Infantry Unit DEF +3%


Lvl 1 Sacred Shield

Cooldown: 1m 30s

Rage Cost: None

Casts immediately. Grants a Shield to Legions and up to 3 nearby friendly Legions, which can absorb a certain amount of damage from Darklings, Dark Creatures, and Behemoths only (Shield Factor 1,200) for 15s. Shields do not stack.

A thousand-year-old collection of secret prophetic warnings against disaster.

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