Giant Bear

Giant Bears hail from the mountains of the North and are the oldest living species of bears. Under the effects of Manastone, Giant Bears become even more irritable and are sighted more frequently around the outskirts of towns and villages. When provoked, they will use their teeth, claws, and enormous brute force, turning their immense body weight into a deadly weapon.

The Orcish ancestors knew of the Giant Bear long ago, with both sides deciding to keep an uneasy distance, remaining neither friend nor foe. The records of the Grayclaw Clan suggest that ordinary brown bears are by no means the same creature as Giant Bears, with the latter’s strength being far greater – enough to kill even an elephant.



Giant Bear tears at the enemy with its teeth, dealing Physical Skill damage to all Legions in a forward arc (Damage Factor 900), then immediately bites all Legions in the same range, dealing Physical Skill damage a second time (Damage Factor 900). All targets in range of the two attacks take equal damage.

Healing Manastone

Each time Giant Bear loses 20% HP, its Lair produces Healing Manastone. When gathered, it heals a Legion’s lightly wounded units.

Primal Brutality

6m after Giant Bear enters battle, it becomes Enraged, increasing all damage it deals by 1,000%.

Primal Strength

Giant Bear is immune to all debuff effects and impairment effects.

Claw Strike

Giant Bear brandishes its deadly claws, dealing Physical Skill damage to all enemy Legions in a forward arc (Damage Factor 300).

Paw Stomp

Giant Bear stomps on the ground with its paws, dealing Physical Skill damage to all surrounding enemy Legions (Damage Factor 500).


After charging up, Giant Bear smashes the ground, knocking surrounding Legions Airborne and dealing Physical Skill damage (15% of the Legion’s maximum Unit Count).

Mad Dash

After a short charge-up, Giant Bear rushes forward, dealing Physical Skill damage to all enemy Legions in its path (50% of the Legion’s maximum Unit Count).

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