
Rarity: Epic
Marksmen Icon Call of Dragons Marksman PvP Call of Dragons PvP Assault Icon Call of Dragons Assault


Marksman Unit ATK +3%


Lvl 1 Heart Shot

Cooldown: 1m 30s

Rage Cost: 1,200

Deals Physical Skill damage to the target Legion (Damage Factor 1,000, affected by Legion’s Physical ATK), and has a 40% chance to inflict Physical DEF Break, reducing their Physical DEF by 15% for 3s.

A well-crafted crossbow whose arrows have only one target. Shot through the heart? This thing’s probably to blame.


I used to deliver meals to a strange guy who called himself a researcher. There were a few times I looked through the crack of the door and saw him tinkering with a dangerous-looking contraption. That being said, I have no expertise in his field as I’m only responsible for delivering meals. Fortunately, he is generous even though he is strange.

I went there early one time and waited for him at the door, where I heard mechanical sounds from time to time, mixed with a few screams of pain. When the door opened, I saw two scars on his right hand. He smiled at me and said, “Can you deliver bread in the future? I can’t hold a fork anymore.”

His door was wide open the last time I went to him. I thought he had been robbed and was just about to contact the patrol when a powerful arrow ripped through the air next to my ear, pinning the bread in my hand to the stone wall beside me.

He rushed out quickly and heaved a sigh of relief after seeing that I was fine. He then clapped my shoulder excitedly and told me he had invented the most powerful crossbow ever.

I was completely clueless, but as I tried and failed to pull the arrow out of the wall, I could tell his crossbow really was powerful.

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