Rarity: LegendaryMarksman
Marksman Unit ATK +4%
Legion ATK +6 %
Lvl 1 Shadow Games
Cooldown: 1m 30s
Rage Cost: 1,200
Deals Physical Skill damage to up to 5 enemy Legions in a chosen rectangle (Damage Factor 1,800, affected by Legion’s Physical ATK). Each additional target reduces damage dealt to each target by 15%.
When thrown, this paper-thin knife flies through the night like the shadow of the moon, completing its mission without a sound.
The rain came suddenly, covering the woodland with a curtain of water in an instant. In a humble tent, the young king knelt on the ground in prayer, letting the water droplets on the grass soak his knees. After fleeing for many days, he could still hear the roars of Orcs through the patter of rain.
The rain gradually became heavier, and it seemed that even the tarpaulin would be blown away. The sound almost interrupted his prayers. As his guards hadn’t fixed the tarpaulin, he turned his head irritably, only to find that there was no one behind him.
He suddenly heard a strange sound through the rain. As a boy, he had once watched with dismay and awe as the palace cooks gutted and skinned a pig. It sounded much like that.
The rain continued to fall, and he suddenly felt cold all over. At this moment the Prime Minister, his most trusted ally, came in with a familiar tranquil smile on his face.
“Your Majesty, we are under attack. must check on the situation.” The Prime Minister stood opposite him, bowing his head humbly.
“Please wait in the tent.”