Rarity: LegendaryMarksman
Marksman Unit HP +4%
Legion HP +6 %
Lvl 1 Terminating Arrow
Cooldown: 1m 30s
Rage Cost: 1,200
Deals Physical Skill damage to up to 5 enemy Legions in a chosen rectangle (Damage Factor 1,600, affected by Legion’s Physical ATK). Each additional target reduces damage dealt to each target by 15%. Also Seals damaged Legions, leaving them unable to cast Artifact Skills for 10s.
One arrow cut through bone war horns, columns of banners, and endless disputes, making its mark in the history of Tamaris.
In 1175, the Orcs entered the Mistglade once more. The Humans lured the Orcish Chieftain Kurrata into the mountains for a pincer attack. Falling for their ruse, Kurrata followed. Viola, the Springwarden Lady of Stormpeak, assassinated the legendary leader with a single arrow. Having lost their Chieftain, Wilderburg fell into chaos.